This is a very common question every time someone approach us to get an idea on how much may cost to have a smart home.
First, we need to take in consideration how far we want to go in terms of automation.
The most common areas are:
- Lighting: dimmers, switches
- Audio: Multi-zone audio, theater or stereo audio
- Video: theater, tv and devices unified control or centralized video.
- Shades: battery powered, or hardwired
- Security: alarm and CCTV Cameras
The central component of a smart home is called main controller, this device plays a vital role. Its serve as the brain that enables control over all the previous mentioned functionalities.
This main controller is responsible to hold and run all the programing and customization. Also is responsible of coordinate all the connections and coordinate them to work together.
There are different versions of controllers. Each one differs from the next one in functionality, capacity and of course price. This is the main component we need to pick and is mandatory, which one to choose? This will depend on the functionalities needed and the quantity of devices we need to control and coordinate.
The control 4 entry level is the CA-1 (500$ approx.), the most commonly used is the CORE-1 (950$ approx.) and the most complete is the CORE-5 (3.500$ approx.)

The lighting can be setup in two basic modes, centralized and wireless. If your home is not new construction, we usually go wireless. The cost for each Switch and Dimmer goes around 230$ ea. But we have more components we may use like fan controllers, keypads, touch panels.
The prices for shades, audio tvs, projectors may have a big variation depending on the level we are working on. Differences are based on quality mainly, functionality and price.
Sometimes a smart home can be built at once sometimes can be done by stages. We always ask our costumers how much is their budget and required completion time. and based on that we propose a plan of action.
Nowadays having a smart home is more a need than before and is proved you will get more comfort and will enjoy your house in a better way.
Don’t hesitate to contact us having a new smart home is not far way to be a reality for you lets work together finding what best suits for you.